Wednesday, March 30

4. The Secret Life of Bees

Book 4: The Secret Life of Bees by Susan Monk Kidd (B -)

Bees started off really strong. But there were weak moments that plagued it throughout the entire book. The back qcover uotes from book reviews kept talking about how it was "an amazing mother-daughter book" but I didn't see it that way at all. In fact, most of the so called "mother-daughter" parts I found to be annoying as the main character Lily moped around for her mom that abandoned her with the mean, spiteful father. I wasn't looking at it from a 14-year-old's perspective, but it just made it annoying to read another three paragraphs on how Lily dreamed of her mother returning or why she'd left.
I loved the Boatwright family! They were amazing characters and kept the book moving forward. Their love for each other and reaching out to Lily and her African American nanny Rosaleen was the whole point of the story and why I kept reading.
Honestly, I enjoyed the movie a bit better. Dakota Fanning as Lily just demanded less pity than the book Lily. I enjoyed that more because it was a sorry, moping girl but one with a bit of spirit and braze in the movie.
Overall, it was a nice, calming read.

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