Monday, May 28

Play On and On and On

It is the beginning of summer, which means it is time to jump in the car and go on a...
ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!
But, you can't go on a road trip without the right music!!! You have to have the right tunes to get through
  • awkward silences
  • when the conversation runs out
  • when the road trip games take their toll
  • when you can't stand to hear anymore about your dad's five-step success plan (as in Little Miss Sunshine)
  • and just in general!
So, here is a list of 25 MUST HAVE SUMMER ROAD TRIP MUSIC (in no particular order) that you should definitely consider downloading before your next trip to the beach, Grandma's, or the nearest national monument. You can thank me later! Also in the list are hyperlinks that will take you to one of the many YouTube lyric videos for the song!!! There are some new songs that just came out and some oldies! Prepare and enjoy!!!
  1. "Paradise" by Coldplay
  2. "Underneath" by Adam Lambert 
  3. "Blow" by The Prom Kings
  4. "Los Angeles" by Sugarcult
  5. "Trespassing" by Adam Lambert... which has a very Queen vibe
  6. "Starships" by Nikki Minaj
  7. "A Thousand and One Nights" by the SMASH cast
  8. "Boogie Wonderland" from Happy Feet... because you've got to have something from a musical, as if SMASH wasn't enough!!! Give me some credit, I didn't include anything from Glee
  9. "Wild and Young" by American Bang 
  10. "Blackout" by Breathe Carolina
  11. As much as you can get from the Adventureland and Elizabethtown soundtracks!
  12. "Touch Me" by the SMASH cast
  13. "Never Close Our Eyes" by Adam Lambert
  14. Anything by Carbon Leaf
  15. "Let's Don't Call it a Night" by Casey James... in case you're into that country stuff
  16. "Dulaman" by Celtic Woman
  17. "You're Not Thinking" by Drake Bell
  18. "Any Way You Want It" by Journey
  19. "You Give Love a Bad Name" by Bon Jovi... from Barney's Psych Mix (How I Met Your Mother)
  20. "Never Leave this Bed" by Maroon 5
  21. "The Cave" by Mumford and Sons
  22. "This City" by Patrick Stump
  23. "I Don't Care" by Fall Out Boy
  24. "Cuckoo" by Adam Lambert
  25. "We are the Champions" by Queen... because you can't take an awesome road trip unless you're a champ!

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