Saturday, December 18

Congratulations Baby

I have just returned from the 2010 fall Western Carolina University graduation. There, I saw my boyfriend graduate college from my seat in section K in the Ramsey Center. His mom and I snapped pictures nonstop as we watched him walk into the Center, sit, stand, walk up the ramp, and receive his diploma... well, the empty diploma holder as we wait for his final grades to come in.
In review:
The Chancellor gave a depressing speech about how the economy sucks.
The temperature outside dropped about 20 degrees while the temperature inside rose about 20 degrees by the time the ceremony ended.
The ceremony itself was relatively short and I was elated about that.
Morgan looked adorable in his cap and gown!
We returned to the apartment after saying good bye to Morgan's parents and brother to find CC holding out a beer for Morgan. Cheers!
We are finally both done with our scholastic responsibilities, me for the semester and him forever. Now, CC is moving out and with everyone else gone, we are going to enjoy the apartment together for nearly a week before we split for Christmas.
* * *
Congratulations, baby!! I wish I had been there all those years and seen you progress and grow wiser. I'm so proud of you!!

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