Thursday, April 7

The Tough Romantic Questions Part 1

These come from the "100 Questions to Ask before Marriage" blog. I was surfing through the Internet and thought they'd be interesting to answer since I've finally got some time of my hands and really wanted to post something! That could be a dangerous combination!!

Starting with the 'Do You?' Section, I would like to add a side note that Morgan doesn't know the answers to some of these questions. ...Huh.

1. Do you consider yourself to be an honest person?
I do indeed!! One of my strong beliefs in life is to never, ever lie! I can recall only three times I ever told a straight-faced lie, and one was to get out of gym class in 2nd grade. I wasn't so much lying that I was injured but I lied and said my dad wrote the letter when I had written it in class because he didn't have time that morning to write one. Though I was a kid, I still regret telling that lie. The others.... I try not to think about them. Then, my belief crumbled under pressure. It won't happen again.

2. Do you believe that love involves following your heart or your head?
From my personal experiences and what I've seen, you follow your heart when you love someone. I've done many stupid, stupid, retarded, lame, dumb mistakes out of "love" and gotten burned. I've seen my own family members and many friends do the same thing. So, I believe that you follow your heart for love but that I also believe you won't have a well-rounded, fulfilling relationship unless you also follow your head!

3. Do you still have feelings for someone what you once shared a relationship with?
I do. And I don't think Morgan will be surprised to hear that. For one person, I still have feelings of respect and a family-type of love. He knows who he is. The other... well, I can't really say what kind of feelings I still have for him. They're just as confusing and hurtful as our relationship was. I hope those feelings disappear.

4. Do you have an specific plans for the future when it comes to your permanent relationship?
As in this relationship? We plan to get a hamster over the summer. :) Due to our circumstances, that is as far as we're allowed to specifically plan right now!

5. Do you believe in living with someone before you married to them?
No, but I'm not exactly being the best model of that right now. I believe that if Morgan and I lived in the same town or had a place to stay that wasn't each other's apartment, we would not be living together.

6. Do you feel that a high value should be placed on money or relationships?
Relationships, yes. Money, no. And Morgan and I often have disagreements about this because he's very practical like my father. I think Father would enjoy that fact in Morgan as he saves and budgets in a very similar way that I watched my Father doing as I grew up. Maybe this is because I'm enthralled with the Moulin Rouge-themed idea that truth, beauty, freedom, and love are to be placed above all else (except for faith of course) and that I don't care about the money. It's great to have but an overflow is not necessary for my happiness.

7. Do you feel as if you are a trusting person? If not, what makes it difficult for you to trust others?
I'm not a trusting person. Ask the guy who screwed me over why.

8. Do you believe when people are just dating that it is ok for them to date more than one individual at a time?
As long as they up front and honest about it, why not? It's up to the other person whether it's ok or not for themselves.

9. Do you feel as if you are able to get along with others well, or do you feel as if most people do not understand you well?
Ah, a question after my own heart. No, I don't feel that most people understand me. You can ask my friends and they'll tell you that I'm one person at one minute and turn into someone else the next. I'm happy; I'm sad. I'm creative; I'm on a different planet. No one, including myself, knows what is going on inside my head. And, I kind of like it that way. I'm so used to no one gaining VIP passes into who I am that I stopped handing them out.

10. Do you currently have any type of financial goals for your future?
Uhhh.... ha! Not really. That probably scares Morgan.

11. Do you have a book that you consider your favorite of all time?
Wuthering Heights
Vulpes the Red Fox, this is the only book that I've read more than 3 times. This book with its description and characters, even with the crappy ending, I can never turn away from!
The first four pages of The Hobbit. They make me happy!

12. Do you view someone that you know or know of as a "hero"?
William Wilberforce. He fronted the movement to abolish slavery in England and its colonies. His life story depicted in the film Amazing Grace makes me cry every time!! That man... I want his passion about everything in life! I would love to have the type of marriage he had with his wife. I would love to make that kind of difference in at least one country. I would love to have that kind of determination and belief in something and fortitude.

13. Do you often feel as if you are a victim of circumstance?
I am ashamed to say yes.

14. Do you suffer from a habit that you consider to be bad?
I bite my lower lip until it's all chapped and dry.
I grind my teeth, which drives Ma and Morgan up the wall!
I adapt my personality depending on who I'm hanging out with....

15. Do you feel as if you are a positive or negative person?
Depends on what question you're asking me on what day. This morning, that was a negative morning!

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