Saturday, April 9

The Tough Romantic Questions Part 2

And here goes round 2...

1. If you had never met Morgan, who would be your boyfriend right now?
Um, there weren't many suitors lined up at the door. It was Morgan or no one really. And I wasn't even looking at him as if he were a candidate. It just sort of happened.

2. What was your first impression of Morgan?
The first time I met Morgan he was invited over to the apartment by CC, my roommate. He burst into the apartment and wandered into the kitchen with a huge bag of cooking utensils and a blue and white cooler filled with frozen shrimp. Immediately, he began to cook and bang around pots and make things sizzle on the stove. I found him to be very sarcastic and had a strong personality as he completely ignored me sitting at the dining room table reading and yelled at CC over the sounds of cooking. He never said a word to me or glanced my way until he turned around and said, "Do you want some of this?" Thus began our relationship of him wanting me to try new things and me stubbornly refusing yet admiring him for trying.

3. What do you consider the most important values in a man?
Tenderness towards both animals and people
Strong faith
Passion in more than one thing or activity

4. What is one characteristic that you find in a guy that makes them most attractive?
Knowing when it's ok to be silly and when it's good to be serious

5. Besides family members and Morgan, who is your closest male friend?
That would be MK and Chris. Chris and I tell each other everything. He's my rock. I want his opinion before I do something. I want his opinion on other people. The way he refuses to conform to someone else's standards is admirable to me. He is who I look up to.
MK and I are inseparable souls. When we're together, we have each other and that's all that matters. I don't want a life without MK. I tried once and failed. Now that we're back together, I'm not going to make that mistake again.
Both of these boys I couldn't love without. They're like my human teddy bears. I need them to hold and squish and to hug me back.

6. What are the things you admire most about Morgan?
I love that Morgan keeps himself in shape and healthy. He puts a lot of thought in what goes into his body and how that affects him. Exercising, running, and weight training are all very important to him and it's a breath of fresh air to see that in today's McDonald-loving age.
I love (and some times hate) his refusal to go along with something, how he never gives in or conforms to what someone else believes, feels, or says. He never takes anything for face value. He won't BS you so don't BS him!

7. When it comes to life in general, what do you feel is the most important thing of all?
Time. Use every minute every day every week every month of every year. Don't waste of second!!! We aren't promised tomorrow so don't put off what you could do today. Tell everyone you love them. Hug and kiss! Don't ever give up hope and don't stop loving someone just because they made you upset for a minute or two. You never know when you could lose them.

8. How would you describe "happiness?"
As in what that means to me? Happiness... "is a warm gun." Sorry, I had a Beatles moment. And I don't even like the Beatles. Happiness is not the Beatles. Honestly, I don't know how to answer this question. I've never thought of anything like that before, what a word means to me. I know happiness when I feel it. I can't really describe that. Christmas... those are usually my happiest days.

9. In reviewing your life, what would you say your biggest mistake was?
No comment.

10. What do you do now in order to ensure that you never make that mistake again?
Know what the limits are.

11. What do you consider to be your three major strengths?
My imagination and creativity
My passion for things/hobbies/activities that I love
My hope and faith

12. What do you consider to be your three major weaknesses?
My lacking self confidence
My spiteful tongue
My inability to forgive and forget

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