Wednesday, August 25

River is Home!!!!!

I'm so excited! I can't believe this!!!
Last semester, the boys and I said good bye to "River" as he packed up not for the summer but from Western for good! He was going to head out west to study wolves, his true passion! It was a tearful good bye, and over the past few days, we have all really missed his infectious laugh and warm presence. He is as close to Jacob Black as I'll ever get!
This evening, I was sitting in my apartment reading "Kayla's" Spanish text book out loud to her in my best Espanol accent when Christian called.
"Hey, you have to come to dinner with us!"
By this time, I'd been through a mountain of homework and four classes since eight that morning, really didn't feel like walking over to campus or driving, and Kayla was going to cook dinner! But, Christian was insistent, saying he needed everyone in "the group" to come to dinner to tell us "my plan." I was completely baffled and slightly annoyed, but I drove over to campus, parked, and entered the dining hall before anyone else even got there.
The cafeteria food hasn't changed. It still sucks! So, I was kind of annoyed by that as well as I sat down with the gang and picked at my slimy pizza and spoonful of pudding since there was nothing else worthy of eating. Suddenly at the other end of the table, Dave started making some kind of hoopla and I heard an exclamation from Cody. I glanced up from my plate and walking toward the table is a tan guy with long black hair, baggy shirt, sunglasses, and a familiar-looking face. As my brain tried to piece together who this person was, I grew afraid then shocked and confused. This person isn't here anymore! As it finally dawned on me that River was actually back, a huge smile swept across my face, and I nearly started to cry. Cody's expression was beyond description and beyond hilarious. Here was River, one of my beautiful, amazing boys come home to all of us! And Christian and Dave had known the whole time! Those boys! My annoyance and frustration immediately disappeared as I was so happy to see River again!
After dinner, we headed over to Walker, our dormitory as freshmen, and proceeded to go back to the 5th floor where it all began: "My Boys," "The Group," "The High Five," everything that now makes up my world. Christian and Cody filled in a freshman about what kind of year he was going to have based on whose past room he was residing in. Cody dismantled a poster. Christian punched a door with his foot.
"Did we ever even leave for the summer?" I asked Adam after we left as Christian pulled another "Stranger Rodeo" stunt. "I mean, I think we just moved houses."
Nothing could prepare me for seeing River walk up the group. It was one of the best surprises I've ever had! Notice the difference between how I reacted to the first time I saw The Viking again? I certainly did!

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