Saturday, December 31

55. Cirque du Freak - Tunnels of Blood

Book 55: Cirque du Freak - Tunnels of Blood by Darren Shan (B-)

Sadly, this novel wasn't anywhere near as good as the first two. Darren, Mr. Crepsley, and Evra leave the Cirque after an old friend from Mr. Crepsley's past shows up. The trio arrive in a small town and stay at a hotel where the boys joke around and enjoy the wonder of television while Mr. Crepsley goes out at night and says nothing to no one. His secrets become scary when six murdered bodies are discovered in a warehouse near the outskirts of town. Evra and Darren think Mr. Crepsley has gone on a bloodlust killing spree and needs to be staked! They follow him one night and discover a whole new kind of freak!
Mr. Crepsley
While this may sound exciting, I found the novel dragged. I really enjoyed the Cirque life and wanted to explore more of it. There was a significant lack in the number of supporting characters, and it seemed that Shan grew bored writing only of the three. He set himself up for dragging moments with only Darren and Evra around to entertain themselves throughout the day and the night. While Darren scores a girlfriend, the introduction of Debbie only complicates matters because it causes paragraph after paragraph of Darren's inner monologue of worrying Debbie will find out the truth about Mr. Crepsley. And who has no reaction whatsoever to a boy with green scales for skin?? Who does that? Apparently, Debbie does.
Evra's character development was wonderful. Reading about the growing bond between the two boys was enjoyable and sweet. I hope Evra takes on a larger role in the later novels.
Overall, I was just not pleased with this third book. There was some suspense in the end, but it was easy to predict the outcome. I still believe number 2 was the best yet!

Two More Hours of 2011

New Year's Eve is never as exciting or awesome as you want it to be. Every year, I sit in front of the TV and watch the ball drop. Once, I tried champagne. That was gross! Every year, New Year's Eve just sucks.
It didn't suck last year. I was with Stuart. We were in Chester, South Carolina listening to a loud group of people drink and shout in the upstairs room at a Motel 6. We didn't care. We had Cheerwine in glass bottles, popcorn, and cable television. It was an awesome night! But not because it was New Year's Eve, but because it was the last night Stuart and I had to ourselves before the start of our long distance relationship.
This year, I'm sitting in Stuart's apartment alone watching the ball drop on a live web cast online while Stuart has been at work since 2 this afternoon and won't be home until after 1:30 a.m... if we're lucky.
I'm going to rain on someone's parade by saying this, but... New Year's Eve will never be as awesome as you want it to be!!! UNLESS... you're that dude that drops the cash on a hotel that you booked on January 3 the year of to be in Times Square on New Year's Eve to propose to your girlfriend on live TV and you absolutely know without a doubt that she's going to say yes, and you get to kiss your then fiance when the ball drops and the confetti flies. Yeah, that's as awesome as it's going to get. Those of us who have to move to Cullowhee tomorrow or can't afford to go to New York City sit in our living rooms drinking alcohol and hoping the new year doesn't suck as much as the last one.
Yeah, that's my take on New Year's Eve. It's another letdown. Like birthdays.
There's no alcohol here, none that I'm drinking anyway. Yet I feel drunk watching this Bret Easton Ellis adaptation starring a bunch of actors on the brink of being famous like Jessica Biel and Ian Somerhalder. You know Bret Easton Ellis. He's the guy who wrote American Psycho! Yeah, this movie is BIZARRE!!! I'm scared to keep watching. I've learned more about college and the perverse mind of college-aged people in the last hour than the two and a half years in actual college. It's gotten so weird that I've zoned out on the Internet and have no idea what's going on anymore.
Ryan Seacrest has taken to his Twitter. He's tweeting answers to fans about Rocking New Year's Eve. The Times Square 2012 Live web cast just announced this year's triangle theme on the ball. Apparently, it's Friendships, and the color scheme of 2012 is blue!!! Facebook is pretty calm though and the latest story on Just is Nicole Kidman is spending New Year's Eve with her daughter. WOHOO!! Just found a much better web cast of the ball dropping! CBS is on UStream! Five years ago, I'd have been screwed! 
Now, I have two more hours to stay awake, according to the Toshiba countdown. I'm not quite sure what to do with myself. Eventually, I'm going to have put my laptop to sleep so it won't overheat and then I'm stuck with this Ellis film again.
No matter what you're doing, New Year's Eve is just another night. It's as over as soon as the clock strikes 12:01. For one minute, you get to feel awesome. Then, it's over. But, it's a night meant for reflection and promises of betterment. My 2012 resolution is to NOT MOVE!!! I shall move once this year, and that is all! Once I get to Cullowhee, my bags are staying unpacked.

Thursday, December 29

54. Stephan's Diaries - Origins

Book 54: The Vampire Diaries - Stephan's Diaries Vol 1. Origins based on the novels by L. J. Smith and the TV series developed by Kevin William and Julie Plec (A-)

We return once again to Stephan and Damon Salvatore in their very first adventures as told in this novel Origins. The tale starts when vampire Katherine Pierce arrives to Mystic Falls. Her beauty and allure send the Salvatores head-over-heels for her, and the brotherly feud begins.
Once before, I read the story of the brothers' feud in the first original Vampire Diaries novel. It is nothing like this story, which was changed and completely flipped upside down for this novel. Stephan's Diaries was written after the television show premiered, the show which had a very interesting and darker twist on why Damon and Stephan are such at odds. Origins bounces off the show's ideas and changes Smith's original intentions until they are unrecognizable but thankfully much, much better!!
I still wish there was an inside look to Katherine or Damon's thoughts. Once again, the reader is subjected to Stephan's story, which isn't nearly as interesting as Katherine's or Damon's. Stephan merely walks around and thinks about Katherine and how much he loves her. It isn't until the final chapters in the book that Stephan gets into the action and makes the fatal mistake that begins the Salvatore brothers' battle against each other. Damon is the one whose actions are mysterious and make the reader long to know more about him. His characteristics are far more enticing, exciting, and interesting than Stephan, whose loyalty to his father makes him bland and boring. Stephan is more of a storyteller than a heroic character. Stuff seems to happen to Stephan, but Stephan doesn't do anything about it.

Tuesday, December 27

Movie Minute: McAdenville Christmas Lights

After driving to Mount Holly from Raleigh then later driving to Spartanburg, South Carolina and back, Stuart, Kate and I stopped in McAdenville for some Christmas light fun!! First we got lost. And, the wait took FOREVER!! While we were waiting, I received this text message from Ma:
"Sparta won't stop meowing in Anne's room and when I tried to let him out to roam for a bit, he bit me! When are you gonna be back?"

Friday, December 23

Movie Minute: Last Kitten Pounce

Last Thanksgiving, I filmed this video of Remington when he was just a kitten pouncing around Anne's bedroom! Look how FLUFFY!!!!

Thursday, December 22

Movie Minute: Kitten Tightrope Walks on Car

My neighbor's cat in Greensboro had the cutest bunch of kittens this fall!! The only one left is Loki who loves playing on my Honda and Joe's truck! Here he is walking across an impossible ledge! Only a cat could do this.

Tuesday, December 20

53. Lisa, Bright and Dark

Book 53: Lisa, Bright and Dark by John Neufeld (C+)

This novel was difficult to digest. First, it was shrouded in mystery until the very end. You have no idea what is going on with title character Lisa. The narrator Betsy is the only character that establishes a strong imprint on the reader of who she is, why you should read the story, and what type of person she might be in real life. The rest of the characters are brushed over, uninteresting, and simple. Second, the end is anti-climax and dull. In fact, the narrator isn't even there for the real end and brushes over it in a few paragraphs. All this time, the reader has been waiting for Lisa's parents to recognize how sick she is. And, the author does the end no justice in his quick overview through what's been told to Betsy. Finally, the novel was slow and nothing ever really happened but once so that even though it was only 143 pages, I took forever to finish it because I never wanted to read it.
Three girls, Betsey, Mary Nell, and Elizabeth, are worried about their friend Lisa. Every day, she has a contrasting personality type to the day before. In fact, Lisa is scarily maniac-depressive. One day, she's bubbly and too loud in her speech; the next, she refuses to talk, sleeps with her eyes open all through class, and barely recognizes friends, food, or favorite activities. Quite a few times, she cries out for help to her parents. But, they refuse to listen even when she is found under a teacher's desk poking a safety pin into her skin The girls decide they'll help Lisa in any way they can until her parents realize something is very wrong. Mary Nell takes the initiative to begin a group therapy for Lisa. While the girls know nothing about psychiatry or what's wrong with their friend, they ban together to provide the best support they know: just being there.
With "Over 2 million copies sold" blasted across the front cover, I expected more from this novella. What I got was bland, slow-moving story whose ending was as disappointing as the end result of paint drying.

Photo of the Day December 20

Because I am spending the majority of my Christmas holiday with Stuart, I demanded that we decorate for Christmas. This involved getting a Charlie Brown Christmas tree, making our own stockings, and buying a 2011 ornament for the tree. Stuart had to go along with it or deal with a very unhappy girlfriend. One of my favorite things about Christmas is the decorations and the time spent decorating with family. Last night, Stuart and I decorated our tree at 12:30 a.m. when he came home from work.
Originally, I had planned to pick out a mass-produced ornament at JC Penney or the like with Stuart. Instead as I wandered through the mall yesterday, I found a small cart selling ornaments that you could personalize. Stuart and I picked out this one, which now hangs as the centerpiece of our tree!!! I LOVE IT!!

Monday, December 19

Photo of the Day December 19

Yesterday, Stuart and I visited Jude's family at their alpaca farm. Mr. and Mrs. Alpaca are like second parents to me!! They are warm and welcoming and treat me like family. We spent the afternoon at their house, walking alpacas and having good conversation around a plate of delicious pumpkin bread!! It was a wonderful start to Christmas!

Saturday, December 17

Kodak Moment: Fall Semester 2011

Maybe I've posted some of these before on Photo of the Day, but here are some great photographic memories from this semester.

I moved to Greensboro ( I love Sparta in this photo)
Us sisters and our boyfriends had a great time at Scarowinds

I got some awesome-looking scars from Sparta
I don't like Labs but Fleetwood was just the best dog!
My pet sitting business really took off!
Best Thanksgiving ever!

Friday, December 16

52. The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner

Book 52: The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: an Eclipse Novella by Stephenie Meyer (A-)

Seriously, I'm not planning all this vampire fiction reading. It's just happening this way.
Honestly, after the disappointment of Breaking Dawn, the Twilight Saga's ending novel, I was worried about Meyer's attempt to write a spin-off for a character from Eclipse. Bree battled against the Cullen clan as a distraction for vamp Victoria to carry out her revenge against Edward and Bella. Bree makes only a brief appearance in the large novel that focuses and is told from Bella's point of view. According to Meyer, she felt a special connection to the character when editing the novel. From it, The Short Second Life... was born.
Bree's story begins in her third month as a vampire. She keeps to herself and tries not to die by the hands of her fellow newborn vampire brethren. Their tempers are deadly, literally. One night, Bree is sent out to hunt and becomes friends with Diego, the favored right hand vamp of their leader, Riley. They travel around the city of Seattle together and discuss the holes in Riley's regular speeches. Then, they discover Riley's first lie: they don't burn up in the sun! Instead, they glitter! Diego and Bree decide to team up together and discover the truth about Riley and their creator Victoria. What is really going on? Why are they being made? What other vampire myths aren't true?
This short story was a wonderful, descriptive inside look at what was going on in Seattle while Eclipse focused on Forks. I was quite impressed by how well Meyer was able to separate herself from Bella and write a completely new voice in the same story.
The beginning was a bit shaky. I thought the cave scene where Diego and Bree discover how they sparkle in the sun was a bit quick and understated. Instead, Meyer focused on Bree's thought process. Because Bree was so in the dark about everything, however, it couldn't be nearly as in depth as a character like Bella. So, the passages of Bree's thoughts and feelings are extremely repetitive until the final scene. Still, Meyer did a commendable job exploring this new side of vampires and breathing additional 'undead' life into a new character. I would love to see a short film based on this piece.

Thursday, December 15

Photo of the Day December 15

Yesterday, I packed up a good chunk of my personal belongings and made the drive to Raleigh. My Christmas Break has officially begun, and I'm spending it with (yes, I'm going to be very cliche) the love of my life... and my cat!! I'm so excited to be with Sparta again! And, he seems happy to be with me, too! All day yesterday and this morning he's been clinging to my side and meowing for affection!
I've missed this crazy cat!

Monday, December 12

Trending Topic

I'm the kind of person who doesn't obsess with the most popular media craze at the time, waits a few years, then falls in love with it. And it's completely unintentional.
When I was a kid and the first Harry Potter movie was out, Voldemort drinking from the unicorn gave me nightmares, and I swore never to watch. It wasn't until the 4th movie came out that I fell in love with the series. And, I never read the books.
I swore to myself that I would never get into The Lord of the Rings. It just seemed so nerdy. But as my actor-face-recognizing horizon broadened, I realized that all these great names I loved were in these movies!!! Viggo Mortensen! Orlando Bloom! Elijah Wood! Sir Ian McKellen! Cate Blanchett! DANG IT! Now, I have to watch them! And, I loved them (like two years after the final film was released into theaters)... once I figured out that they were one continuous film in three parts. That was a surprise. I got to the end of The Fellowship of the Ring, and said, WTF?? What was that?
With Twilight, I was actually ahead of the times. I started reading the books right before the third one hit the shelves. By the time everyone had become obsessed and starting creating teams, I was over them.
The only crazy I haven't caught on is Star Trek... please, MAKE IT STOP!
But, now I've discovered another popular, cult-like television show that I swore I'd never watch. Lost! My latest actor obsession is Ian Somerhalder (as if you haven't noticed). And, he plays one of the main characters of the show... for now. I also have been curious about the show since I learned that Dominic Monaghan, an actor I love from The Lord of the Rings ironically enough, also has a prominent character.
I knew I wasn't going to like it. It was going to be too confusing; what would be the point? I'd just be lost, pun absolutely intended! But, it's completely different from what I'd expected! I feel bad now for the teasing I made against my fellow journalist Chase in high school. Now, that man was a true fan!! It was his favorite all-time show! I remember laughing when he said that it was good thing Lost was ending because he was going to college that fall. That cracked me up to no end!
So, here's why Lost is awesome (please forgive me for making general references to characters, I haven't learned all their names yet):
  1. Intelligence: Lost is incredibly intelligent! Each character brings something different to the table: a different characteristic, a different skill. There's no way these people can't survive on the island with all they have to offer.
  2. Being confused isn't as horrible as I thought it would be. I'm actually intensely curious about what's going to happen and what's causing trees to collapse like straws. 
  3. Ian Somerhalder and Dominic Monaghan! Amen!
  4. The Australian girl's accent is so cute! And, I'm interested to see what's going to happen when she has her baby.
  7. Convenience: all the episodes are on NetFlix
  8. More reasons to come... I'm only on episode 8 of season 1. I'm sure they'll be more reasons as the show progresses, and all the characters have been established. 

    Friday, December 9

    Photo of the Day December 9

    Over the summer, there was a mini horse show in Raleigh! If Kate had been there, she would have screamed so loud all the ponies would have gone deaf!


    Wednesday, December 7

    51. Stephan's Diaries - Bloodlust

    Stephan and Damon Salvatore
    Book 51: The Vampire Diaries - Stephan's Diaries, Vol. 2 Bloodlust based on the novels by L. J. Smith and the TV series developed by Kevin Williamson and Julia Plec (B+)

    Yes, that's the actual title!
    So before I realized The Vampire Diaries is a horrible book series as compared to the television series, I bought one of the Stephan Diaries spin-off books. And, it's surprisingly better! It's like Smith didn't write it at all. Finally, there's more action in the book than in a single episode of the TV show! ...Well, that might be stretching it a little bit.
    Volume 2 of Stephan's Diaries picks up right after Stephan and Damon Salvatore have been turned into vampires. They barely make it out of Mystic Falls alive and catch a train to New Orleans in the thick of the Civil War. Immediately, Stephan, who is the darker brother in this series, begins feeding on innocent victims while Damon refuses to drink any blood at all. He is tormented by Katherine's death and Stephan's betrayal by turning him into a vampire. The brothers have a falling out and separate. On his own, Stephan finds a coven of vampires who take him in and begin teaching the values of keeping a low profile. However, Damon's in trouble and it's up to Stephan, differences aside, to save his brother and bring out the inner monster in Damon.
    Really, did Smith write this book? Because it's written like the TV show's writers wrote the novel! It's interesting, the dialogue is complex, and the characters are fantastic. We are introduced to Stephan's future best friend, Lexi, a saucy female vamp whose personality no one can dislike. I was quite impressed by the staggering difference in the two series.
    The story is still lacking in a way. It is told from the first person of Stephan, and I think that takes away from how dynamic the story could have been. I would have liked to get Damon's and Lexi's opinions, too! Or even the human love interest Callie.
    Hey, where's the series for Katherine? That'd be very, very interesting... depending on who wrote it!
    If you need more Vampire Diaries, read Stephan's Diaries. Just ignore the original series! Seriously!

    Movie Minute: Giant Slide

    At the Belmont Summer Carnival, my camera goes on a wild ride thanks to Father down the gigantic slide! Yes, that's me cackling at the bottom.

    Tuesday, December 6

    You'll Never Know Dear

    Continued from My Only Sunshine...

    Stuart did come over that night. He was tired and no longer in his beautiful tuxedo. I shook from nerves. We sat for a long while at the dining table in the kitchen. Eventually, Ma would arrive after deciding it would be best if I wasn't alone that night.
    Stuart and I hashed out our issues, discussed solutions, and I made promises. I knew the hardships of our relationship laid heavily with me. My lacking ability of communication was a major downfall. For so long, I haven't needed this level of communication. I'd never had a relationship last more than a month. I learned from my father that it was ok to walk away in the middle of the conversation. I learned from my mom that it was ok to sweep conflicts under a rug and walk around them. It's what my family did. Is that the right way to do things? No, not really, but it's how we functioned. Now, I'm learned to speak my mind, make my wants and needs known, and not to clam up when there's a disagreement. It's a slow process, but I'm doing better at it than my other adjustment.
    My diet must change. I'm killing myself the way I eat. Now, I'm feasting on apples, potatoes, rice, whole grain bread, organic cereals, organic crackers, and other fresh produce on a regular basis. Thanksgiving and the end of the semester has caused me to take a step back from my progress, but I still drink as much water and any fluid really as possible. I find it ironic that it was after my major diet change that I became legitimately sick for the first time since last winter. I may have bronchitis... but I've stopped having so many headaches, I've stopped feeling lethargic all day. I'm feeling better about myself and the choices I'm making. It's a major improvement, but I slip up on a regular basis. I will never give up my candy!!! NEVER!
    Stuart and I are back together. We were apart for 24 horrible hours. And, it's not bad. It's not we-broke-up-and-it's-all-awkward-now. No, in fact, I'd say it's better than it was in the last few months before the break-up. We're getting through it like any other young adult couple who is in a long distance relationship, one with a full-time job and the other a full-time student about to take on a part-time job.
    Yeah, it's like that!

    50. Cirque du Freak - The Vampire's Assistant

    We're halfway there!!
    WARNING: The following review has spoilers for the previous novel in the series. If you care about surprise endings, don't read this post!

    Book 50: Cirque du Freak - The Vampire's Assistant by Darren Shan (A)
    Yes, an amazing sequel to the first Cirque book!! More twists and turns, more great character development, and Darren, now a half-vampire and assistant to Mr. Crepsley, has joined the Cirque du Freak as a stage hand and worker. He finds a friend in Evra Von, the snake boy whose skin is tough green scales. Darren falls in love with cirque life and while he still misses his family, he's excited about making friends and being a part of something bigger than just him and Mr. Crepsley hunting people. However, Darren still refuses to drink human blood, and every day he becomes weaker and weaker. If he continues to refuse, he will soon die. Then Sam and R.V. come along, and Darren believes he's found more friends, but one is going to cause trouble that could destroy the whole cirque.
    I've learned that Shan isn't good at foreshadowing. In fact, he's blatantly obvious about it. Nearly every chapter ending ends with something like this:
    "When all was said and done, he was only a hairy harmless human, while those of us in the Cirque du Freak were strange, powerful beings. What could he possibly do to hurt us" (409)?
    "None of us had any idea of the trouble the nice ecowarrior would soon create... or the tragedy he would unintentionally cause" (364).
    Moments like these took away from the text because it was so obvious. In the first novel, there were many twists that the reader couldn't have predicted. Here, it is obvious which character is going to slip up, and simply putting the pieces together will help the reader quickly predict the end. Certainly, there are more subtle ways of foreshadowing the bloody end.
    Once again, Shan uses amazing detail and description to bring these freaks alive. The story continues as a dark tale of friendship and loss. Darren makes the ultimate choice and continues exploring the Cirque in the next novel Tunnels of Blood.
    Works Cited:
    Shan, Darren. Cirque du Freak - The Vampire's Assistant. New York: 
    Little, Brown and Company, 2009. Print.

    Monday, December 5

    Movie Minute: Hamster on a Road Trip

    On one of our many road trips, Nutmeg pops out of her cage to do some exercise before seeing Stuart again. She's done this several times! Thankfully, she's never been on her wheel when I take a turn too sharply and the wheel goes flying on its side!

    Photo of the Day December 5

    I've been sick since Wednesday, and I'm miserable!! There's a very good chance this could turn into bronchitis or pneumonia if it keeps going! So while I'm in class this morning and standing in the cold at the bus stop, I will be thinking of my beautiful, snuggly warm bed with my three favorite stuffed animals and pillows!! And once returning from class, that's where you can find me!

    Sunday, December 4

    Movie Minute: Cinderella and the Prince

    Another Disney on Ice: Dare to Dream clip: Here, Cinderella gets her first dance with her prince!!

    Photo of the Day December 4

    Here is a moment from Disney on Ice: Dare to Dream! Cinderella is taken to the ball across the ice by four white horses and a pumpkin carriage!

    Saturday, December 3

    Movie Minute: Disney on Ice Rapunzel

    Today, we celebrated Anne's 6th birthday by going to Disney on Ice: Dare to Dream at the Greensboro Coliseum Complex. We watched shortened versions of The Princess and the Frog, Cinderella, and my favorite Tangled!! Here, Rapunzel and Flynn Rider descend from the tower on Rapunzel's hair in a very high, very amazing way over the ice!

    49. Cirque du Freak - A Living Nightmare

    Book 49: Cirque du Freak - A Living Nightmare by Darren Shan (A)

    This is book one of the Darren Shan Saga/Cirque du Freak novels! I have always wanted to read the novels, but after hearing such negative comments about the movie adaptation, I put off reading them. However, the novel was quite exciting. There was many twists, and I had no idea how the ending was going to go!
    Good or bad movie?
    Darren is a high school boy, and when his friends find a flyer for a freak show, the boys try to get tickets. Steve, the adventurous, slightly crazy friend, manages to only get two. Thanks to a pure luck, Darren is picked to go along with Steve. They check out the freak show full of haunting descriptions of the snake boy, werewolf, and contortionists. The main attraction is Mr. Crepsley and his gigantic poisonous tarantula Madam Octa. During that portion of the show, Steve begins to act bizarre and ignores the rest of the show. Afterwards, he tells Darren to run home and he'll see him soon. Instead, Darren stays behind to watch Steve approach and confront Mr. Crepsley for who he really is - a vampire!! Steve demands he be changed into a vampire or he'll grow up to be a vampire hunter to kill Mr. Crepsley in the future.
    Now, I was unaware that I'd be reading yet another vampire novel. I knew the second book was called The Vampire's Assistant, but I honestly thought the series of books would be close-up looks at different freaks within the show. Apparently, it's an ongoing story of Darren's adventures with Mr. Crepsley. The Cirque du Freak itself makes only a small appearance in A Living Nightmare. Darren and Madam Octa are the main features in this wild tale.
    Shan, a British author inspired by old horror films, does an amazing job of keeping the book young adult level but still chilling. The descriptions of the freaks are fantastically horrifying, and the story is consistently wonderful to read. I have immediately begun reading the second novel, which is starting slow but should be picking up quite soon as Darren meets back up with the Cirque du Freak.
    The vampire lore in this novel is unlike any I've ever seen. No, the vampires don't sparkle. Neither are they immortal!! They can be killed by more than a wooden stake or fire and can dine on human food as well as human or animal blood. Compared to the many vampire cults I've been fans of (CBS's Moonlight, Twilight, The Vampire Diaries, Anne Rice novels), these are the strangest vampires I've ever read!!! They even have their own gods, like the Egyptians!
    If you're having Twilight withdrawal or The Vampire Diaries isn't what you had hoped for, I suggest the Cirque du Freak novels!! They'll boggle your mind and keep you reading for hours!

    Friday, December 2

    Photo of the Day December 2

    Joe's steak was so awesome tonight that the fork broke at the handle because it was unworthy of handling such incredible meat!!!!

    Thursday, December 1

    Movie Minute: Goat People

    It's just your normal day in the household of ridiculousness!!! A moment of being goats!! And apparently... looking at Sparta!

    Wednesday, November 30

    48. Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats

    Book 48: Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats by T. S. Eliot (A)

    I have been longing to read this book of poetry since I first saw the Webber musical CATS, which is based on this text. And it was everything I had hoped it would be!!
    In the edition I picked up, Edward Gorey has beautiful, realistic black and white sketches of all of my favorite cats: Old Deuteronomy, Bustopher Jones, and Mr. Mistoffelees. Their stories are classic and sweet, little tales of a cat's comings and goings in bustling London.
    My favorite was "The Song of the Jellicles," where Eliot describes what makes a 'jellicle' cat! His words are pieced together in a masterful way that brings life and character to these crazy creatures. It is the perfect little book for young and old alike. Even if you don't like poetry, this book is still for everyone! There's no way, unless you're an animal hater, that you can't laugh and fall in love with these up and coming practical cats!

    Tuesday, November 29

    47. Plan B

    Book 47: Plan B by Charnan Simon (B)

    I have got to stop reading these mediocre books! They're bumming me out!
    This was a novella about a teenage girl who has life mapped out. She's in love with her boyfriend Luke, and they're going to graduate high school and go to college together in Austin, Texas. But when Luke becomes physical, the girl explains it to herself that she's "making love" not just having sex. Oh honey...
    She, of course, gets pregnant after the one time without a condom. She and Luke are now faced with how they're going to handle the situation they find themselves in.
    The ending isn't what you would expect!

    Living Lesson No. 3

    This semester hasn't gone as we've all planned, but I certainly have learned a lot in these past few months with "JoAnna." Here are some of life's valuable lessons I've learned while here in Greensboro. (And I hope my roommates appreciate this!)

    1. One bathroom is never enough!

    2. If Mac squeaks, PUT HIM DOWN!

    3. If the mail man won't pick up your mail, use a clothepin to tack it to the mailbox. Works every time!

    4. Your landlord living in a different city is your friend!

    5. Neighbors are nice... in small doses! If you see the pesky neighbor pull into her driveway, wait at least five minutes before stepping outside.

    6. Kittens can escape out of windows. So can Mac-sized cats!

    7. Never trust a puddle on the floor. I promise, it's not water or juice!

    8. Fall Out 3 is entertaining to watch even if you don't know the storyline.

    9. After the second time, riding the bus isn't a scary ordeal. And you can run after it and actually catch it!

    Boyfriend and roommate
    10. It rains in heavy doses everywhere. It's not just in Cullowhee.

    11. Bigger kitchens are better... and messier!

    12. Cats give hugs! And kisses!

    13. Taste Yogurt Bar is the only place to get frozen yogurt!

    13. Sparta will live from now on in a one-cat household! He demands it!

    14. Best friends aren't always the best roommates. But you get by. You learn to take the bad with a grain of salt. You learn to hold your tongue and if you don't have the guts to say anything, then stop bitching. It's own fault that something didn't get fixed when you're the only person that didn't like the situation in the first place. You adapt. You love the little things, and that's what makes the place. Good times always follow bad moments. Dogs bark. Cat yowl. We laugh. We bicker. That's anywhere you live. It may be easier to run away, but sometimes, you get what you get, and it's your responsibility to make the best out of it. If that's not good enough, then fix the problem. If nothing's going anywhere, it's your call to step forward and try to make it better even if it's not your fault. But, it's got to be you. Don't let someone else speak for you. As soon as it's fixed, it's done. Don't bring the trash back in once it's already on the curb. No situation is impossible. There's always a common ground. And when there's not... bury their socks in the cat's litter box!!! 

    Monday, November 28

    46. Skin

    Book 46: Skin by Rick Jasper (B-)

    I was impressed by this short novel until the end. The ending ruined it all - it was anti-climatic, abrupt, and didn't fit the anticipation of the story.
    High schooler Nick Barry has always been invisible... until the worst case of acne hits his face. Along with the oozing pimples, Nick experiences cold chills that freeze his bones, horrible nightmares of fire and death, and strange symbols etched on his chest. Strange occurrences spread across the small town like the priest's house catching on fire and a bully from school is viciously attacked in his bedroom. The police believe Nick is the culprit. With the help from a doctor, a nun, the crazy Catholic neighbor, and a librarian, Nick begins putting the pieces together and realizes his body is host to a demon!
    Sounds exciting, right? And it was... but then the author just wrapped up the book with a not-so-exciting paragraph or two. I did enjoy the historical and fantastical explanation and theory of Nick's demon, but the ultimate defeat was disappointing.

    Life can be Funny

    If you had told me that I'd fall for a guy and that he'd abruptly leave me for another girl, I'd have believed you. That sounds like my kind of luck. I wouldn't have pictured him to be an actual Viking, though.

    If you had told me that two years after I'd been accepted to Western Carolina I was going to transfer to another university only to transfer back to Western within a semester, I wouldn't have believed you.

    If you had told me I was going to fall in love with a guy that I'd spend over a year or more in a long distance relationship with, I would have laughed and said, "I'd never go for that type of relationship. It would never work."

    Funny how life works! It makes you laugh.
    I love you, Stuart!

    Sunday, November 27

    My Only Sunshine

    Continued from Please Don't Take my Sunshine Away...

    I sat outside the church after the ceremony. Everyone else filed past me to the Fellowship building in the other parking lot for the reception. I waited for Stuart... and waited... and waited... and waited...! He was part of the wedding party, remember? That means he had to partake in the official wedding photos. You know how those go! I sat in between the brick pillars that used to hold the sign of the church quietly singing "You are my Sunshine." I had listened to the famous bit at the end of a very appropriate Katy Perry music video, "The One That Got Away."
    I had to get Stuart back! The loss of him had made everything clear! Don't you hate that? When losing the most important thing is when everything clicks into place and you know you want them more than anything? Or even it? Being able to have kids and you can't. To have one more conversation with your mom even though all you did was fight. The love of your life. But, sometimes... it's too late. I prayed with all my heart that it wasn't too late for Stuart and me.
    Everything that got in our way - my lack of communication, The Viking and everything that went with him... suddenly, all the songs I listened to that applied to The Viking now applied to Stuart. I didn't think of The Viking anymore when I heard them. I thought only of Stuart. I think that was the kicker for me - the moment when I knew.
    Finally, Stuart joined me at the brick foundation. It was awkward, then I just blurted out all of these things that didn't make sense anymore coming out of my mouth. They were all so organized in my head. Now, it was a mess of strings of words. But, I told him I was going to fix this, I had made a mistake, and I wanted him back!
    He looked at me skeptically. I certainly hadn't fought this hard the day before when he'd broken up with me, I'm sure he was thinking. To Stuart, the day before was the end. That was it! It hadn't worked out, and now it was time to learn to move on. But I held on too hard! I promised that things would change, I would change, and we'd be better.
    He promised we'd talk later. Now wasn't the best time. I nodded.
    "It's not a no or a yes. It's a maybe. Can we talk tonight?"
    I nodded.
    "Are you going to the reception?" he asked.
    "No," I answered quietly. He was supposed to dance with me during the reception. What if they played our song? Anything by Carbon Leaf, Paramore, Eminem, We the Kings? We were supposed to act like a normal couple that didn't add mile after mile after mile to their vehicles every week to see each other. It was supposed to be us celebrating the beginning for another couple. I had sat through the wedding. I couldn't put myself through the reception.
    I had the longest drive home... longer than the five hours to Cullowhee from Raleigh, longer than the drive from Cullowhee to Mount Holly to Raleigh... it was a long half an hour filled with tears and too many thoughts.
    That night, I called my mom and exploded into tears...!

    Movie Minute: Battlefield 3

    The new Battlefield video game has arrived, and Stuart is in love with it!! He and his friends have their "guy time" by getting on their XBoxes and playing for a few hours at least twice a week.

    Saturday, November 26

    45. The Vampire Diaries - The Struggle

    Book 45: The Vampire Diaries - The Struggle by L. J. Smith (C+)

    <3 Damon
    Ok once again, WHAT? The television series just got that much better because this novel completely falls on its face. There must be one heck of a screenwriting team behind the TV show because there is no way they got the awesomeness of the script from the books. I am once again disappointed, and I don't think I'll be reading The Vampire Diaries original series anymore. I do have one of the spin-offs - Stephan's Diaries - that I'm going to give a try.
    The Struggle took a deep downfall from The Awakening. At least with The Awakening, the reader was being introduced to the characters and learning about the town. Now with The Struggle, you already know the story and it's basically the exact same as the first book: Stephan has a wall up, Damon is pissed off, Bonnie talks in a scary voice whenever she gives a premonition, and Elena is just pathetic. Seriously, how can such an awesome, strong, confident character on TV be based off a materialistic, bitchy, mess of a girl from the book? It is so disappointing. I really don't understand how these books got to be so popular.
    Out of 234 pages, only two major things happen: the emergence and development of the character Damon and trying to get back Elena's diary from Carolina before she outs Stephan as a murderer in front of the whole town during Founder's Day. The rest... blah, blah, blah, blah!!! 'Oh, Stephan, I love you!' 'Oh, Elena, we can't be together because it's too scary!' 'Oh, Elena, be my Princess of Darkness! And, don't ever talk to your friends or family again or I'll drain them of blood.' It gets old real quick! And then Stephan proposes and Elena accepts??!! Unrealistic and stupid!!!
    These characters suck (no pun intended!)!! Watch the television series!

    Friday, November 25

    Movie Minute: Beginning the Thanksgiving Turkey

    Thus, I begin TURKEY COOKING!!! I was absolutely petrified that the bird was going to come out dry and horrible! But you know what? It actually wasn't that bad!! It wasn't my mom's turkey, but it was very good! Stuart actually got home an hour earlier than expected and fixed us one of the best Thanksgiving dinners I've ever had. The only thing missing... mashed potatoes!!! We were both quite upset about that!

    Photo of the Day November 25

    On Thanksgiving, I met up with Stuart's mom for a picnic lunch. While I was waiting, I explored Shelley Lake Park and found something called a Wish Tree. Sparingly over the branches, colored paper danced against the yellow and red leaves. Wishes were written on the paper, things like "I wish I could take his pain away," "I like girls and I'm a girl. Sorry Mom!," and "I wish I could make up my mind."
    I have a big wish, one I've had for over a year. So, I wrote it down on a green slip of paper and tied it to the tree. Here it dances in the wind for anyone to read: I wish Stuart and I could be in the same city for more than a weekend!

    Thursday, November 24

    Movie Minute: Sparta vs Mac

    Sparta and Mac meet for the first time. It got much more intense than this video, but you can't have the camera on all the time!

    Photo of the Day November 24

    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!! I'm missing out on my family's Thanksgiving to be in Raleigh this year. No, it's not like that. Believe me, I won't be spending any of the day with Stuart. He left this morning at 9 a.m. and he won't be back until about 11:30 tonight! I'm here with Sparta and Nutmeg celebrating with four papers to write!!! Oh yes, it's paper time!!
    But for right now, I'm lounging on the couch watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on a New York webcam and The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers on NetFlix! Check out this awesome screen cap I got of Kung Fu Panda!
    Later, I'm in charge of putting the turkey in the oven. Yes, even at 11:30 at night, Stuart and I are having a Thanksgiving dinner. We have a 10-pound turkey, yams, green bean casserole, stuffing, and the BIGGEST PUMPKIN PIE EVER!!!! It's going to be good eating for the rest of the week!