Wednesday, December 7

51. Stephan's Diaries - Bloodlust

Stephan and Damon Salvatore
Book 51: The Vampire Diaries - Stephan's Diaries, Vol. 2 Bloodlust based on the novels by L. J. Smith and the TV series developed by Kevin Williamson and Julia Plec (B+)

Yes, that's the actual title!
So before I realized The Vampire Diaries is a horrible book series as compared to the television series, I bought one of the Stephan Diaries spin-off books. And, it's surprisingly better! It's like Smith didn't write it at all. Finally, there's more action in the book than in a single episode of the TV show! ...Well, that might be stretching it a little bit.
Volume 2 of Stephan's Diaries picks up right after Stephan and Damon Salvatore have been turned into vampires. They barely make it out of Mystic Falls alive and catch a train to New Orleans in the thick of the Civil War. Immediately, Stephan, who is the darker brother in this series, begins feeding on innocent victims while Damon refuses to drink any blood at all. He is tormented by Katherine's death and Stephan's betrayal by turning him into a vampire. The brothers have a falling out and separate. On his own, Stephan finds a coven of vampires who take him in and begin teaching the values of keeping a low profile. However, Damon's in trouble and it's up to Stephan, differences aside, to save his brother and bring out the inner monster in Damon.
Really, did Smith write this book? Because it's written like the TV show's writers wrote the novel! It's interesting, the dialogue is complex, and the characters are fantastic. We are introduced to Stephan's future best friend, Lexi, a saucy female vamp whose personality no one can dislike. I was quite impressed by the staggering difference in the two series.
The story is still lacking in a way. It is told from the first person of Stephan, and I think that takes away from how dynamic the story could have been. I would have liked to get Damon's and Lexi's opinions, too! Or even the human love interest Callie.
Hey, where's the series for Katherine? That'd be very, very interesting... depending on who wrote it!
If you need more Vampire Diaries, read Stephan's Diaries. Just ignore the original series! Seriously!

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