Tuesday, November 29

Living Lesson No. 3

This semester hasn't gone as we've all planned, but I certainly have learned a lot in these past few months with "JoAnna." Here are some of life's valuable lessons I've learned while here in Greensboro. (And I hope my roommates appreciate this!)

1. One bathroom is never enough!

2. If Mac squeaks, PUT HIM DOWN!

3. If the mail man won't pick up your mail, use a clothepin to tack it to the mailbox. Works every time!

4. Your landlord living in a different city is your friend!

5. Neighbors are nice... in small doses! If you see the pesky neighbor pull into her driveway, wait at least five minutes before stepping outside.

6. Kittens can escape out of windows. So can Mac-sized cats!

7. Never trust a puddle on the floor. I promise, it's not water or juice!

8. Fall Out 3 is entertaining to watch even if you don't know the storyline.

9. After the second time, riding the bus isn't a scary ordeal. And you can run after it and actually catch it!

Boyfriend and roommate
10. It rains in heavy doses everywhere. It's not just in Cullowhee.

11. Bigger kitchens are better... and messier!

12. Cats give hugs! And kisses!

13. Taste Yogurt Bar is the only place to get frozen yogurt!

13. Sparta will live from now on in a one-cat household! He demands it!

14. Best friends aren't always the best roommates. But you get by. You learn to take the bad with a grain of salt. You learn to hold your tongue and if you don't have the guts to say anything, then stop bitching. It's own fault that something didn't get fixed when you're the only person that didn't like the situation in the first place. You adapt. You love the little things, and that's what makes the place. Good times always follow bad moments. Dogs bark. Cat yowl. We laugh. We bicker. That's anywhere you live. It may be easier to run away, but sometimes, you get what you get, and it's your responsibility to make the best out of it. If that's not good enough, then fix the problem. If nothing's going anywhere, it's your call to step forward and try to make it better even if it's not your fault. But, it's got to be you. Don't let someone else speak for you. As soon as it's fixed, it's done. Don't bring the trash back in once it's already on the curb. No situation is impossible. There's always a common ground. And when there's not... bury their socks in the cat's litter box!!! 

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