Tuesday, November 1

Photo of the Day November 1

Happy Halloween!! Last night was a bit of a bust. I miss being a kid on Halloween... In fact, I miss being a kid on all the holidays. It feels like the magic is gone. My parents would get me a costume every year, and we'd go trick-or-treating around the neighborhood for hours, me and Kate! Now, that I'm transitioning into being an adult... I can't go out trick-or-treating. I can't be with my family because there's class the next day at 9:30 a.m. And while my roommates are fun, when you don't drink like me, not even a little... being around drunk people isn't nearly as fun as YouTube and MTV make it out to be.
Thankfully, I had Stuart with me. He had the night off - probably the only holiday he'll get off - and he tried very hard to make the holiday special. He personally does not participate in Halloween, but after I begged him to dress up in his chef coat and pants, he put on a happy face and tried to get me to cheer up. We ended up holing up in my room with a gigantic bag of candy and watching Maneater, a film NetFlix called "horror" but was clearly the most tamed horror film I've ever seen! Harry Potter was scarier!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you should watch midnight meat train. Also, I wish I could still go trick or treating too :[