Saturday, October 29

Tug of War

There's a never good way to admit that there are cracks in your relationship, especially when you've been so happy for so long.
There are never right answers your friends can give you when you're in the thick of it. They can try. But, there's no magical answer that can get you to feel whole again.
When is too long to fight? What's holding on too hard? How do you know when to keep fighting or when it's time to quit?
Is there a point where it's just sad and pathetic to keep going? Does everyone around you see the breaking point while you keep struggling for something that's never going to heal?
What if you want to give up but the other person doesn't? If you don't give up, but they do?
How can you tell if a relationship is over or it's just a really hard time to get through? What if you're not supposed to be fighting because the end if inevitable? How do you let go of something you want even though it's broken?
Why can't your friends give you advice you can take when they've been through the same thing? Do they disappear because they don't know how to help or do you unconsciously push them away?
Is the heart ever whole again from relationship to relationship? Or is there a piece of yourself floating around with the person you left behind or that left you behind? Does their piece take the place of the piece they took from you? How does a heart beat correctly with pieces of other people trying to work together?
How is it fair that during the socially accepted time of our lives to find our "soul mate" and our "true love" that our bodies wage war against us and makes us the ugliest we're ever going to look with acne all over our faces, oily hair, gangly limbs, misshapen breasts, and  crooked teeth?
How do you end up so far off the page from the person you love that you're not even in the same book anymore?
Why is it wrong to love more than one person? How is it possible not to? How is it possible to not be attracted to more than one person? And, how do you choose?

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