Thursday, October 20

39. Just Desserts

Book 39: Just Desserts by Carl Reiner (C-)

This book was not interesting, bizarre, boastful, obnoxious, and not worth my time. What I don't understand is where all the praise on the back cover is coming from. Apparently, Reiner is a talented, praised, and awarded author, but I didn't see it based on this short book.
Nat is a writer who comes up with an amazing plot that involves rewriting the Ten Commandments. For instance, if someone sins against an innocent child, horrendous boils will appear on their skin until they repent. Nat then writes his suggestions to God... who writes him back!! It may sound like an interesting concept, except God is referred to as "GodGod" in an effort to, I suppose, make the book religiously acceptable to everyone. Nat is an obnoxious, self-absorbed twit who I just want to smack across the face. The other characters are lacking in reader connection and are self-absorbed, two-faced, and one dimensioned. The writing is lacking in feeling and descriptiveness. Clearly, I was not impressed.
The only reason this book reaches the high point of a C- is because of its final two chapters. There, wittiness and interest actually arise in the little twist ending. Reiner himself actually becomes a character in the novel and suddenly, all the previous chapters start making some sense. Still... not worth the read! The only reason I kept with it was because it was quite short and I wanted to find out just how ridiculous it was going to get.

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