Sunday, January 15

Hoping for Internet

It’s been one week that I’ve been living with my new roommate JC, my friend and boss! And, every day, I am cracking up with laughter at the hilarity of our friendship and the mountain, farmland environment we are living in. I know more about the livestock I’m living near than my human neighbors.
“Two months ago, living together with just a two text thought,” JC said. “Now it’s for realsy.”
…Yes, he actually said “realsy.” 
A neighbor. I call him Bruce
Tonight is just another night of me reclining in my bed and JC sitting on the cat hair-covered ottoman at the foot of my bed because my room next to the window is the only way to get Internet around here! Well, make that Justin just fell off the cat hair-covered ottoman! He has a habit of leaning back in his seat, which is quite impossible in the overstuffed handcrafted birthday gift from my grandmother.
Tonight, I decided to satisfy my sweet tooth and brought out a large bag of Jelly Belly beans that I bought at UNCG when I was trying to spend my declining balance points. Unfortunately, this bag isn’t an actual Jelly Belly bag; it’s a plastic bag that I shoveled unidentified and unlabeled beans into with a large metal scoop. There’s no flavor key to look at. We’re looking at the colors and hoping for the best! It’s not going very well…
Twice, JC has run out of the room to splash chocolate milk down his throat after eating a bean that he described as having “a kick to it.” I’ve spit out quite a few. Don’t trust the orange!!! It lies every time!! The flavors aren’t even starting to make sense anymore.
I handed JC a red bean with white dots. Watching him chew with a disgusted face, I asked him what it tasted like.
Dirt!” he promptly answered. “I’m going to add banana!” Then, he popped in a yellow dotted bean into his mouth.
Like I said, it’s just another night gathered around the window hoping for Internet…! So much for “quiet hours” after 11.

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