Thursday, February 16

60. Things Fall Apart

Book 60: Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe (C-)

Gosh, I hate this book! I hated it in 10th grade, and I still hate it now!! And, this time I have to write a paper on it.
Why this book sucks:
2. The ending is abrupt and out of nowhere with too little detail
3. The names are too hard to pronounce and I keep getting them mixed up
4. What is going on with Ikefuma?
5. Why can't Okonkwo love his son and stop beating his wife (especially during the Week of Peace)?
6. I greatly dislike proud characters.

Also to Mr. Achebe, I don't appreciate you calling Joseph Conrad a racist. First of all, Heart of Darkness is better than Things Fall Apart. Secondly, everyone was a racist back then. You can't call Conrad a racist because every white man was on his high horse back then thanks to imperialism and straight up pompousness. Just because he wrote a book about it showing Africa from the white man's perspective doesn't mean you get to go around hatin'. That is how he saw Africa. It's his opinion. Yes, I'll agree that Conrad had a love relationship with the word "black," but he was a descriptive writer. He may have needed a thesaurus but that's no reason to call him a racist. So there!

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