Wednesday, March 14

Half EIC

I meant to post about this two weeks ago, but things got ridiculously crazy overnight. Ever since March 1, it's been a crazy ride!

At the end of February, my roommate and former boss Justin packed his bags at The Western Carolinian, the newspaper where I work. After much discussion, drama, tears, and hard work, the Student Media Board promoted Sports Editor Ryan and myself to become the new EDITORS-IN-CHIEF!!!!!! 
I am absolutely beyond excited and have been ever since I learned the news once it was made official. Ryan and I immediately started working on keeping the newspaper at its award-winning level, but also throwing in our own personal flair as EICs.
The transition hasn't been an easy one. There's been drama, and there are always rumors and fires to put out in a newspaper office, but overall, the experience has been a positive and busy one! I've never had so much on my shoulders, but it feels great. Ryan and I are responsible for the well-being of an entire newspaper!! It's insane, right? I mean, I've never had this much responsibility, and I feel like I'm handling it well. The newspaper is always on my thoughts, and I always want to make things better and get back into being a team with the staff. On Saturday (here's hoping it doesn't rain), ten staff members have agreed to go on a hiking trip, and we're taking off down the Blue Ridge Parkway for a couple hours of fun in the mountains.
I want to get to know these people and be someone they look up to. I want to get things done and accomplish so much. It's the most exhilarating feeling in the world!!! And, I'm lucky to have someone like Ryan at my side.
So, here's to the new direction of The Western Carolinian!! May we not screw it up!!
WCU clock tower

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