Sunday, May 20

A Typical Family Conversation

This conversation was recorded yesterday while at my grandparents' place. We were walking around the yard taking the dogs for a walk when we came upon my grandfather's beehives.

Anne, 6-years-old: Where do they sting you?
Christine, aunt: Where do they sting? I did get stung by one of these bees.
Ma: I got me stung one summer by the cicada killers.
Christine: Ew!
Ma: And, the thing got me here and here. That was excruciating up to the shoulder for a good 15 minutes. And, usually bee stings don't bother me. It was excruciating. I mean, it felt like it had driven a nail clean through my hand. It was awful.
Christine: Hm!
Ma: That thing was that big. I've seen 'em dragging cicadas across the grass, like I was looking over the edge of the pool and I happen to see one dragging a cicada.
Christine, spots the camera: What's in there?
Ma: Look, I bought the Amazon butt cooler.
Pawpaw, grandfather: The what...?
Kate, 17-years-old: THE AMAZON BUTT COOLER!
Ma: That water's cold!
Anne: Mommy!
Pawpaw (talking about the bees): They gonna be alright. Go over there and tap on the hive. See if any of them come out.
Ma: Ok!
Seth, Kate's boyfriend: You can kick it and run, but that's about it.
Christine: He threw a rock at it...
Seth: I would run!
Pawpaw: Let's go, Boog.
Ma: Threw a rock at it?
Pawpaw: Get your camera ready for the black snakes.
Me: Ok! I've seen one down there before. Kate, come take this dog!
Kate: No!
Me: This dog... it won't walk!
Kate: You have a bug on your arm.
Me: What?
Kate: You have a bug on your arm.
Me: Where?
Kate: Your other arm.
Seth: You got a bee on ya.
Anne: (screams)
Me: EEW!! It's sucking me! Get it off! (Ma slaps it) OOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!!
Ma: I got it! Look at that.
Christine: EEWWWW!
Anne: I wanna see!
Christine: That is nasty!
Ma: Sorry!
Kate: This dude in my fourth period confessed... never mind.
Christine: Good idea.
Kate: That he drank his own blood once. Yeah.
Anne: Wait, where's the other thing that you had?
Christine: It's right there.
Anne: Ok, good!
Christine: I got it, honey. I got it!
Me: Tara, there are snakes over there. Watch out for the snakes.
Anne: Wait, Christine! Come back. Why are there snakes over there? 'Lexa, why are there snakes over there?
Me: Uh, cause there's wood over there.
Kate: Oh, look a rock!
Anne: Would you pick me up?
Christine: WHY?
Kate: Anne, no!
Anne: Would you pick me up?
Ma: Come on, baby.
Christine: It'll be ok. Because it's easier to run if we're not carrying you.
Pawpaw: Come on, Boog.
Ma: Honey, they're not gonna hurt you.
Christine: We will run like the wind if they come out.
Anne: Are they mean snakes?
Christine: I know but we can move faster if I'm not carrying you.
Tara: There they are.
Me: Oh my gah, that thing is HUGE!

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