Saturday, June 2

Photo of the Day: June 2

Well, I finally did it. I finally founded a little kitten who needed my help. Coincidental thing was... she was only a few feet away from the animal shelter!! A small calico kitten was hiding in the woods right beside the gate for the shelter. While Stuart and I were walking the dogs up and down the drive as we volunteered today, we heard a strange noise coming from a pile of fallen wood. The dogs also went crazy trying to get at the wood. We took the kennel assistant down to the spot, and there we found the fuzzy kitten!!!
I named her Ivy because she was next to a large patch of poison ivy. I was so excited because it's the first time I've been allowed to name an animal!! I hope she finds a home soon!!All she wanted to do was be petted and cuddled, which is surprising for a stray.

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