Tuesday, September 18

A Platypus and a Can Opener

I had to write a poem about a platypus and a can opener for Intro to Creative Writing and Editing class. Afterwards, everyone in the class voted for their favorite poem!! I'm excited to say that mine actually won!!! WOHOO!!! I received a book of poetry as my prize!

A platypus and a can opener are the awkward designs
of God's nightmares.
Their beaks shine like the glint of a wedding band
catching the sunlight.
They hum and purr as they rip open food like a cat
rolling in the throes of cat nip delight.
Splashing in the water, they emerge dripping like a leaky faucet
drip, drop, splash, splish!
Then, at night, they go into the mouths of their dark caverns
yawning like the larger fish waiting for the small one to make a mistake.
Inside, they settle, nesting, resting, still
until the work of tomorrow's new day begins.

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