Saturday, September 22

The Must List, September 22

1. Literal Movie Trailers by Tobuscus
These are just hilariously fantastic. I can't get enough of them. When I finally got around to watch Tron Legacy, the actual movie, I sang the literal trailer all the way through. Check out the one below, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and then watch the several others to complete your day. Skip the video game ones... they're not nearly as good.
2. "Home Grown" Figures
One of these is the latest item to decorate my home! I just love them. They're so freaking adorable. A bee made out of a lemon. I bought a poodle made out of cauliflower for my grandmother. A seal made out of an eggplant, and more! You can get a whole barnyard or underwater cast to decorate your bookshelf, kitchen, or bedroom! I highly suggest it. This is Zest, and I can't get over how cute he is!
3. "Sherlock" Season 2 on Instant NetFlix
I don't know if it's "Instant NetFlix" or "NetFlix Instant," but either way I'm so excited they put the next season of "Sherlock" on there! Benedict Cumberbatch - what a name!! - as Sherlock Holmes is back for another modern, sleuth-solving season. I've only gotten through the first half of episode one before Stuart and I were about to pass out from the exhaustion of this week, but it's already been outstanding!!! I can't wait until he gets home to watch more.
4. The Damon and Elena Kiss on "The Vampire Diaries"
I know I'm like a season behind on this uproar, but still!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, yes, see ya Stephan!! Move on out, boy, it's Damon's turn!!! I've been waiting for this moment for two and half seasons. On the other hand, I have a suspicion that Stephan will eventually will return with a fervor, and then Elena will just go running back to him. NO SPOILERS, ANYONE!!! I haven't finished the season yet, so keep your mouth shut for just a little longer. No one shall ruin this for me like James Lipton ruined the end of Harry Potter for me.
5. The Smoothie Machine in the University Center
This thing is awesome. Three smoothie flavors and a plethora of milkshake flavors, this is my new favorite toy to get an icy treat during my school day. I've had to curb my obsession or else I'm going to run out declining balance in the next two weeks, but they're oh so delicious!! Still, my heart belongs to Freshen's. I still haven't been since it's been reopened. I need to get down there, pronto!
6. Rainbow Cake
This was sweetest, sugary-est cake I've ever eaten... and when I say "eaten" I mean that I took like four bites because it was just too much sugar!! Thankfully, I had some photographers to help me finish it off on our trip down to Waynesville. Isn't it fabulous?

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