Saturday, January 1

Turn Around

It's amazing what can happen in a year.
Last year, I spent New Year's alone, unhappy, suffering from depression, and reeling from the heartbreak inflicted on me by The Viking.
This year I was curled up beside Morgan and now I look back and realize, I didn't think about The Viking for a single second last night. It wasn't any different from what I had done years before. I lounged around waiting for the colorfully lit ball to drop in New York City as it does every year. However... Morgan was curled up beside me watching too, laughing at the Nivea commercials and booing at the pop artists singing.
2010 wrapped up its days for me with a new found love and an apartment to call my own. I made new friends like the Ice Cream Book Club (without books) gang and have the fondest of memories thanks to the ending of 2010.
I don't typically make resolutions, and if I do, they're in jest because I know I won't keep them. If I were to make a resolution for 2011, it would be... wear my retainer more often!!! That's extremely important and I need to do that more or else my braces were a waste......!!!!
But also to cherish every second I have with Morgan. As we face our long separation after two more days in Charlotte, I will make a resolution to never take him for granted, to never pick a fight or start an argument over something insignificant, to cherish him and always give him a chance to express himself, and to never let the physical distance between us cause a figurative wall to build. We will be "the exception to the rule" when it comes to long-distance relationships and survive.
2011... Bring. It. On!

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