Thursday, February 10

Borrowing an Idea

A blog writer I follow is of a very creative, opinionated girl in the Midwest. I found myself to be a lot like her: she works at her college newspaper, she loves movies, she has a steady boyfriend but remains a virgin, doesn't drink or smoke anything, loves to write. Lately, she's been writing a series called "Will you be Mine" in which she describes the celebrities she would like to have a Valentine's date with. Mostly, she's taking actors and writing about dream dates that actually correspond with characters they have played in the past. Inspired by this, I'd like to write something similar: "Will You Be Mine: Movie Characters."

Today's movie character (because I watched the movie last night) will be Gabriel Van Helsing from Van Helsing, starring Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckinsale.

I would love to sit down with him at a nice dinner outside with the glowing stars over Transylvania and listen to him talk about his history and everything that he's seen. Supposedly, he doesn't remember anything, but I'm sure there's something we can dig up. Afterwards, we can ride Transylvanian horses through the night fighting vampires and werewolves! Heck yeah!

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