Sunday, May 8

Kodak Moment: A Moment with Ma

In celebration of Mother's Day, I will post a few pix of Ma and I. I don't think she'll mind. Everyone in a 20 mile radius of Mount Holly knows who she is. You might say that living with the most popular high school science teacher in the county is like living with a local celebrity. You could probably get more people to come to your event if you get her to come to your event as a judge or MC. She has the same power as my high school journalism/English teacher who was not only popular but also young and hot! I say that carefree because he doesn't have a Facebook and probably isn't aware of my blog... Everyone knows it. Am I right, Warriors?
But back to Ma...
Lighting my birthday candles on a cake she went and got specially made
Riding the waves in the Outer Banks
At Catman's. Ma was the one who encouraged my love for animals
She drove all the way to Cullowhee to see me dance for five minutes
Shopping at Kohl's

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