Monday, May 30

16. The Fourth Hand

Book 16: The Fourth Hand by John Irving (A)

Yes! John Irving wins again!!! Sir, you are my novelist hero! How are you so awesome? Please, spill your secrets to me! I must know how to write like you, sir!
(If you can't tell) I love John Irving! Since the day I picked up his book The Cider House Rules, I have devoured his novels! They are unbelievable, strange, and intelligent and The Fourth Hand is no exception.
In India, a journalist named Patrick gets his left hand eaten by a lion. On the east coast, a doctor wants to be the first surgeon to perform the world's first hand transplant. In Green Bay, Michigan, a couple is desperately trying to get pregnant. Life and circumstance bring them together. The husband of the Michigan couple accidentally kills himself with his hand gun after the Packers lose the Super Bowl and his wife, who felt pity for the man whose hand was eaten by a lion, decides to give her husband's hand to Patrick. The doctor, who is trying to reconnect with his young son whose mind has been poisoned against his father by a bitter ex-wife, gets to perform the surgery. However, there's a catch: the wife wants visitation rights to the hand after the surgery! The wife falls in love with her husband's hand. Patrick falls in love with the wife. Five years pass as the three characters continue about their lives with Patrick trying to stay in the wife's life for good.
Irving, you have inspired me to be not just a novelist but a great one. My work will never stand up to yours, but I will try my hardest and use techniques I have learned through reading only your books!! Your deep description of every character, even the one who only shows up for three pages, is so beautiful and painstaking! Your detailed background that goes against the main focus of the story may seem irrelevant until that last paragraph when everything is tied together and the whole world makes sense! You sir are a freaking genius!!!

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