Saturday, July 7

Joshua Devotional

This month, my church at home, Bethlehem Baptist in Gastonia, is studying the book of Joshua in the Old Testament. I have decided to join the challenge in studying this book by following along with the devotional pdf available for download.
The devotional centers around a very important and repeated phrase found in the first chapter in Joshua: "Be strong and courageous."
December 2013, the month I'm supposed to graduate from Western Carolina, does not seem that far away. And, I am trying to be strong and courageous in planning for my future. Already, I've made the most important step I can in preparing for it: I've brought God back into my life.
I am looking forward to diving deep into this book and studying the Bible with a guide. Before, I have been reading a passage a night before going to bed. A lot of times, though, I'm confused and get absolutely nothing out of my reading!! With this guide, I will be able to better understand God's Word with the help of a skilled pastor.
If you would like your own Joshua devotional pdf... go HERE and join me in this study! You can download it and put it on your computer desktop or print it out and tape it somewhere to look at every day!

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