Friday, August 3

Stone Cold Oath

I want to make an oath for myself in front of all of you.

This past week has been full of drama and grief. You all know from previous posts that I rarely party and I certainly don't drink alcohol. I want to make it very clear that this oath does not come from a week of me getting smashed or heaving the alcoholic contents of my stomach in a porcelain bowl. No, I was stone cold sober the entire week. This oath comes from what I witnessed other people doing.
Before this day, I have only sipped a few drinks. Mike's Hard Lemonade. Cheap champagne. A badly made screwdriver. A strawberry daiquiri with not even a full shot of liquor. Not even a whole beer. But I always wondered if I ever found something I liked the taste of... would I enjoy it and start drinking more? Well, now all of that has changed.
After witnessing this past week and particularly one evening, I swear never to drink even a sip of alcohol again. I don't want it. I don't want that to be my kind of fun. I never want to become that kind of person.
I'm doing this for me and for my health and for my peace of mind. I'm also doing it for my future husband and my future children. I am setting an example for my sisters to look up to and I'm setting an example for the kind of life I hope my future children (should I have any) live one day.
This is the end of something that, thankfully, never began!!! In my opinion, I'm losing nothing but gaining the recollection of every memory I'll ever have and never doing anything I won't knowingly mean to do.
Duck, North Carolina

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