Saturday, November 6

This Post was Supposed to be about Something Else

It snowed last night. I'm curled up at my computer desk listening to Morgan snore gently behind me. Now, we are both sick with what everyone calls "The Cullowhee Crud!!!" He is just coming out of it; I plunged into it last night. I have a raging fever, a wicked cough, sandpaper for a throat, and an unbelievable headache that occasionally cripples me. Getting to see beautiful falling snow last night was a blessing and for a moment, I could ignore the pain of my own body. However, by this morning, it was gone leaving only a few traces that it had been here at all.
Tomorrow is my one-month anniversary with Morgan. Sick as we are, we are both looking forward to it. He's finally going to cook for me!! I am beyond excited at this prospect, even if I don't like whatever he cooks. It was how I met Morgan.
He came over to the apartment one night to cook dinner for CC. In comes this guy with hair much shorter than I'm used to with my boys and their long "flowing locks" like River's black mane and Christian's shaggy mop, and this guy just strolls into our kitchen with all the purpose and comfort of someone who been living there a lot longer than CC and I actually had been. Immediately, Morgan is all business. He doesn't even introduce himself to me, sitting at the dining table wrapped around a text book, reading. Instead, he and CC pick up on conversation like they'd already been talking for hours; it's mostly about Morgan's work while I occasionally peek over my book with interest as Morgan begins unloading ingredients from his various bags and a cooler full of frozen shrimp. I don't remember exactly when we finally first spoke to each other or what was said. I know that when he was finished with dinner, I didn't like the taste of it and picked at it for half an hour before Morgan finally called me out on it. I think I said something along the lines of "I don't know you so I don't have to impress you." That still doesn't make any sense to me.
While I don't recall the details of how we first met, I remember that my interest was piqued about this boy. He came over, often teased me, and had this dry humor I was attracted to. It wasn't "love at first sight" or "I fell head over heels" the moment I met him. He's a senior graduating next month. I'm little sophomore who often proved how naive and silly I am. But when he badgered and badgered me about going to shoot with him and CC, I finally relented. As as we stood in the cold shooting guns at paper targets flapping in the shrill breeze, I began to feel something.
"HEY I THINK I LIKE MORGAN," I texted Chris... except that I nearly sent the text message to Morgan himself!!! That would have been interesting.
Chris was skeptical. He knew it'd be silly to get into a relationship with someone who was packing up and moving out a few mere months away. And he was right and I knew that. What if something did happen between Morgan and me? It was October. We'd have two months together before we were split apart, and I'd already seen the horrors of a long-distance relationship with Chris and his ex and my mother and her ex. It's nowhere near easy. Anyone who says otherwise was probably cheating on their faraway significant other.
Still, I am ultimately stubborn and decided to let what happened happen. For once, I wasn't going to make the first move. And for once... I DIDN'T! Morgan did! I should have known then that he'd be this special to me now.
It was the day I finished my book... a Tuesday. My friends had blown me off in celebrating and I told CC let's celebrate! Morgan and I texted each other randomly at the time, and I invited him over because I wanted a real celebration. He arrived at the apartment and was once again sick. So he plopped down on the loveseat beside me as I was sipping on my first horrible-tasting beer. CC, Morgan, and I bantered back and forth in a harmless manner, CC and I waiting for "Sons of Anarchy" to come on FX at 10.
"Ghost Rider" came on at 8, and suddenly CC had to go somewhere... class, I think it was... before returning just in time for "SoA." Suddenly, Morgan and I, inches apart from each other, were completely alone in the dark with only the glow of the TV before us. And we just started talking. It was all innocent fun, but I remember thinking how great he was.
It was he who began the tickle war once he found my greatest weakness.
It was he who gave me this look, stretched out his arm, and said, "Come 'ere," and I immediately curled up beside him.
It was he who ran his fingers through my hair.
It was me who was smiling all night long.
One month later I couldn't be happier. Chris thinks he's great. "He's the first non-douche bag you've dated since I've known you," Chris stated.
He drove six hours and crossed two state lines to pick me up from Kentucky when I got sick.
Coughing and still sick himself, he took care of me all last night, sleeping on the floor so I could have the twin bed to myself.
He took a split shift at work so he could be there for me when we went to Harris Regional for information on hypoglycemia management (that's what this post was actually supposed to be about! We're getting to that).
He loves me.
December can kiss my.................!

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