Wednesday, August 24


My junior year in college has started... but this time in Greensboro, NC at UNCG - home of the Spartans. After two years at Western Carolina University, I couldn't take the sight of mountains any longer! They made me sick! So in an effort to find a better English department that suited my career needs, find a college in an actual city, and to rejoin forces with my two friends from high school, I transferred schools and changed degrees. It's been quite interesting since... as my life always is. There's never a day that's "drama free," it seems.
On Mondays and Wednesdays, I have three classes and on Friday, I have two. At 9:05, I have American Authors: Colonial to Romantic. This class is... eh! It's one of those courses that can be selected for a certain type of English class major requirement. It just so happened that this was the only one available for this semester. It's pretty dry but the teacher tries to keep it jumping along. We'll see how long her enthusiasm lasts... it was only day two today! She reminds me of the character Virginia Chambers from The Bucket List film. A black woman who is kind but can get an attitude if she needs it. She's a thin bird of a woman with a passion for literature that is downright scary! She also has a niece named "Alexa," which I found amusing.
My 10:00 class is in the Ferguson building, a building with a large shaded walkway linking it to another academic building. Thankfully, it's close enough to the Bryan building where my first class meets so that I don't have to sprint across campus, just speed walk. In Ferguson is where I have my Medieval Legacy history class. It's the biggest class size I've ever been a part of. There are at least or just over 100 students and one professor to give us massive lectures on a projector screen. Then on Fridays, we meet an hour later in groups of 25 with our teaching assistants for small discussions. I haven't made it to a small discussion yet so I'm skeptical about that but I'm hoping this professor starts picking up the pace. Seriously, a lecture on "What is History" in a 200 level course?? Dude, let's move along!
Bet you didn't know that!
My last class is at 3:35, which is the perfect time for a lunch break at the house and the exact time for the sun to reach the perfect temperature to make the air completely still and create unbearable heat! That class is one that so far I'm enjoying. It's British Contemporary Literature and Culture. And get this... the teacher is actually British!! SCORE!!!!! He's like a 35-year-old Daniel Radcliffe. And he just stands in front of the class and discusses what we've read in an interesting but simple way that I'm fascinated! We're currently reading Nineteen Eighty-Four by Orson Wells, which was one of those classics I had always meant to read. And, it's actually good! Really good!! Oh yes, Brit Lit is a win!!
I was supposed to have another class on Wednesday evenings, but I dropped it yesterday because:
a. I don't need the credit hours
b. I don't need the course to fulfill any degree requirements
c. I really didn't want to sit in a class for TWO HOURS every Wednesday!!
So yes... goodbye Cultural Geography! It was nice to have never met you.

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