Saturday, August 20

Temporary Goodbye

Today, I said goodbye to my beloved cat Sparta for the time being. Until further notice, he will be living with Stuart in Raleigh. It's just not safe for him here at the new house in Greensboro due to the other cat that we live with.
 Hopefully very soon, Sparta will be able to rejoin me where he belongs. He has been my constant companion since last October and a faithful pet for over three years. I miss him dearly. I want him back so badly... but it is safer and healthier for him to stay with Stuart. I know that Stuart will take the same loving care of him as I have done.
Sparta and Mac being calm for a moment...
In the meantime, I have Nutmeg the hamster now at my house. Nothing will take the place of Sparta cuddling with me, keeping my feet warm at night, purring loudly, and bouncing through the house... However, I'd rather have Nutmeg here than no pet at all. I hope she will like rolling around the wood floors in her brand new exercise ball!
I agonized over this decision for many days. At first, Stuart refused to take Sparta as is completely right for him to do. Sparta isn't his cat and shouldn't have to take responsibility for him. But as the behavior of the other cat, Mac, continued, it was obvious to both of us that it was right thing to do. While Sparta may be stressed about not being able to find me, I know that he will be comfortable and happy away from Mac and the unfamiliar surroundings of Greensboro. He will adjust, as will Nutmeg.
It breaks my heart to be away from him. He was everything to me last year - a friend when I was getting adjusted to living on  my own and away from my family the first semester of sophomore year then a companion and someone to hug whenever Stuart came and went during second semester. We suffered through a hectic Christmas season and a crazy, dramatic summer together. He's just the best little cat, and I miss him so much.
Hopefully as things fall into place and the stresses of moving die down, I will be able to bring him home soon. He belongs here with me, and I intend to fight for him.
...I can't write anymore. It's too difficult. Oh, it's his birthday today. He's 4... or 5. I think it's 4, but happy birthday, Sparta. I hope you enjoy the peace again and I'll see you soon, ok?
Sparta happy 

Read favorite Sparta moments:

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