Friday, October 1

Knock, Knock

Like I said earlier, it was one of those weeks where everything was due and I didn't have a moment to breathe. On Wednesday, I had one of those moments where I was so stressed I just burst into tears because if I didn't, I was going to implode before long! So into tears I burst, pulled myself together, and got my stuff together!
Then I had a night like last night: hanging out with Chris, laughing hysterically, eating candy and Cheetos, watching "How I Met your Mother" and an awesome film noir movie Double Indemnity. That was the most fun Chris and I have ever had! I couldn't live without him.
Then there was today! Today was amazing! I got to sleep in for an extra hour - more like roll around in bed for an extra hour because Sparta woke me - and biked to school in the amazing crisp weather after a week of gloomy clouds and rain. I turned in my Communications assignment - check that off the list. I turned in my Literature paper - check that off the list. The "Ice Cream Book Club" met for lunch, but instead of Ice Cream Musical Chairs, today we played Smoothie Musical Chairs. I had a Strawberry Swirl or something like that with plain frozen yogurt and real strawberries! It was berry delicious! On Wednesday it was Oreo ice cream with Oreo cookie crumbs, gummy worms, and grape Nerds sprinkled on top! FLAVOR OVERLOAD! I swear, by the end of the semester, over half of my DB points will have been spent at Freshen's in the dining hall, but it's so worth it! 301 more to burn! Last class: Communications test - check that off the list.
After my test, I would have normally biked back to the apartment, but instead, I made a pit stop at Coulter where my English professor wanted to have a word for me. Professor "Stat" is a kind man who believes in a lesser creative side of writing. We don't always see eye-to-eye about writing, but we get on well. "Billy" (one of the boys) and I are the only ones who actively participate in his class (mostly because it's at 8 a.m.), and he has singled me out for my writing talent. He wants me to write an essay for a conference at the end of the semester here at Western to get my name out there.
Two things: this conference is for a) seniors and b) English majors, both of which I am not!
Yet... Professor Stat is willing to vouch for me, become "my sponsor," and get me into the conference because he believes I can tackle the assignment.
But it doesn't stop there!
After Western's conference, there is a national conference for writers in Montana sponsored by The Honors College that Prof. Stat wishes me to re-enter my essay into. Should it get accepted, I would be given $500 to travel to Montana and present my essay!!! MIND OVERLOAD!!! Stat was sitting there telling me, and my brain was pulsing from sheer size of the opportunity that was being handed to me on a silver platter. This weekend, I will be spending the majority of the time thinking of whether I want to accept this offer. Some of you may be saying, Dude, take it!!! What are you talking about, thinking it over?! Well, after a week like this week: do I really have time to add an extra assignment? Everything things needs equal attention:
1. My job!!
2. My GPA for Honors College
3. My 18 credit hours of school work
4. I need some free time
5. Sparta's well being
6. Household chores (shopping, cleaning, laundry, paying rent)
If I feel I can't handle all six of those things plus a major 5-7 page paper on top of it all, I'm unfortunately going to have to say "no" and hope for another conference next year!

Sparta Moment:
Daily, I take Sparta on walks in the backyard of the apartments. The weather is amazing outside today, and I practically threw Sparta out the door to get into the fresh air! My cat is surprisingly a little mountain cat! We were climbing all over the hills in his great quest for... I have no idea! Well, as we were walking, a locust flew up from the grass and Sparta jumped completely off the ground, smacking the locust between his white paws! Then, the poor baby fell and landed directly into a thorn bush!!! There went the locust and poor Sparta refused to move so I had to reach into the thorn bush and pull him up and out. Thankfully, there was no blood and no thorns that I found.
Sparta's bad luck continued. This was just plain stupid on my part. I brought Sparta back into the house and set him on the loveseat next to the window. The leash was still in my hand connected to his blue medium-sized dog harness. Upset we had to come back inside because I was being eaten by mosquitoes, I opened a window for Sparta and while my back was turned, the cat tried to jump onto the neighboring coffee table. But the leash was too short!! And Sparta was yanked back by his leash and sent crashing into the ground!!! He just did not have as good a day as I did!

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