Saturday, July 2

Bath Tub Thought

Recently, I watched the latest installment of the Chronicles of Narnia film series, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. And, it was ok... I haven't been a huge fan of any of the CON films. I think it's mostly because when I first saw Aslan... he was a CGI character. MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT! I wanted Aslan to be a real lion with CGI modifications. Nothing disappointed me more than seeing the great lion - that is supposed to be Jesus in the fantasy novel series that depicts a make believe world meant to represent Christianity - as a CGI creation!!
He even looks sad that he's CGI
Anyway... I was thinking about the final scene (SPOILERS AHEAD) and have put two and two together:
Lucy and Edmund are the only of the original four children together. They are joined by Eustace, their obnoxious, bratty cousin. At the end of the movie, Eustace has been returned to his original form after being transformed into a dragon. Now, the three are in Aslan's country with the great CGI lion who reveals to Lucy and Edmund this is their last trip to Narnia. It's a little heartbreaking scene as the two come to say good bye to the world they love.
Then Eustace asks, "What about me?"
To which Aslan responds something along the lines of he may one day be called back to Narnia.
And this is why you can't get rid of Barnes.
Look at him!!
...Now, I don't know if this line is in the book, but I figured that even if it was, this line is an "out" for the producers, directors, and studio heads. In case, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader didn't do too well at the box office, well then the capitalized, collective They could say that Eustace wasn't called back to Narnia and there won't be any more CON films. Aslan has always been a cryptic character. Why not give him a line that hints but doesn't promise another sequel? Face saved! And of course since it seems that the characters Lucy and Edmund won't be returning then it also means we're having a sequel because audiences actually liked Eustace and only if we can get Liam Neeson and Ben Barnes back because the story just ousted the cute mouse!!
In case you're wondering, it seems that Eustace is returning... or at least the CON series is with The Silver Chair being released in 2014 and The Magician's Nephew hopefully hitting theaters in 2015. Of course, it has yet to be announced which actors will star in the films. Will the original four return? Will Eustace? Personally, I never got further through the books than the first one. And that was forced upon me by 9th grade English. There's something about the most popular magical fantasy books that I just can't get into. I think it's because there's too much magical detail. I just like the movies better! This includes: The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and all the Marvel stories (the ones that I liked). Passed over the books and I don't like comic books! Go figure!.
And all of this occurred while taking a bath!

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