Friday, July 29

28. Brokeback Mountain

Book 28: Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx (A-)

This short story has become one of the most talked about movies of my time. Brokeback Mountain, starring the late Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal, became the film that was Oscar buzz, critically acclaimed, and a huge debate for moviegoers because of the raw flaunting of homosexuality between two men that refused to be defined as gay.
The book moves quickly. How they made a standard theatrical film out of this little book, I can't imagine! Turning the pages means turning over a few years in the characters' life. It's written strangely, lots of phrases marked by commas and unfinished sentences. Yet, somehow it flows.
It is an amazing but quick journey through the lives of two men who desperately want to be together but know they can't. Maybe they don't want to really be together because that would be acknowledging what's going on between them. And, that's just not acceptable for cowboys.
Gyllenhaal and Ledger in Brokeback Mountain from Alberta Film Entertainment and Focus Features

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