Wednesday, March 2


Welcome to my 100th post for "Apartment 101." I am so excited to have reached this number!! Thank you to everyone who has followed this blog publicly and to everyone has been reading my strange thoughts, musings, happenings, and poking through my photography. Your comments, Likes on Facebook, and reads make my day!
To celebrate my 100th post, I decided it would be a good time to announce my grand news: as of yesterday morning, I was accepted to University of North Carolina - Greensboro!

I am beyond thrilled and excited to continue my college education at this university. While I am slightly saddened to be trading in my Catamount paws for a Spartan helmet, I cannot wait for the adventures that will unfold with my two pals Anna and Joe, and I will be so happy to be closer to the love of my life.
The greatest tragedy of this news is that I will have to say good bye to seeing Chris on a daily basis. Since meeting in freshman year, Chris became my immediate confidant and best friend. He was everything I needed all through freshman year and well into now my sophomore year. I only hope that our friendship will remain strong though we are apart and I will be able to see him on a semi-regular basis. Even though I am moving, I will not ignore or forget our great friendship and hope he feels the same. Though I will be busy with my junior year, a boyfriend, and adjusting to a new city, it is important to me to work on keeping our relationship as close as it is now.
I cannot and am already making plans for my big move to Greensboro!! Anna, Joe, I hope you're ready!!! Because Sparta and I... here we come!!!!

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