Monday, September 20

Nightmare Part Duex

Another nightmare:
It was the end of class and we were returning from a trip outside. The class and I exited the elevator, and I was standing in the hallway next to a water fountain. My brown school bag was slung over my shoulder, I think I was wearing a scarf and a jacket. In my hand was my Samsung cell phone. It began to ring Adam’s ringtone so I answered.
“Uh, who is this?”
“Lex. Who is this?”
I don’t remember the rest of the conversation word-for-word, but the caller was The Viking. Apparently, Adam had tricked The Viking into calling me by telling him he was calling someone else. In the real world and in this dream world, The Viking and I are not allowed to speak to each other as ordered by Western Carolina University. And here we were on the phone breaking that rule. It was horribly awkward. And, it was upsetting. The Viking got off the phone as soon as he could. There was no talk of reconciliation.
As soon as I hung up, Adam jumped out from behind a corner and was jumping up and down, grinning.
“You two talked!” he cried.
I began to scream at him, telling him how horrible he was for forcing me to talk with the one person I never wanted to speak with. Even worse, forcing him to talk to me when that’s all I wanted but that’s all he didn’t. I woke up after I told Adam we were no longer friends.
I don’t know what was worse: the dream or waking up and realizing I hadn’t actually talked to The Viking after all.
When I relayed this dream to Cody, he laughed and couldn’t understand why it was a nightmare.
…Anything that deals with The Viking IS a nightmare!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am sorry that you are still so deeply wounded by the viking and wish that you never had to deal with so much pain that has effect you so deeply