Tuesday, September 7

The End

***Just a side note before we start: I was given my Western Carolinian staff polo shirt today and my boss said I was the first sophomore to become editor since the year 2000!! I am beyond thrilled and proud! Cross your fingers that I do well!

~ Jude got to visit this past weekend, which was great! I don't recall if I mentioned that River returned to the group. I believe I did. Either way, this makes the only boy I lost over the summer to be Jude who took a leave of absence from Western Carolina this year... or at least this semester. We'll see what happens in January.
~ Professor Guinness is up to her usual craziness. Last week, she asked a girl to spit in a spoon then threatened to swallow the spit. She was then surprised when we the class confessed that we found her intimidating.
"Ma'am," I wanted to say, "you were just about to swallow someone's spit from a spoon. In fact, I'm still waiting for you to go to the trash can and swallow it. And you're surprised because...?"
She really is a neat professor. Today, Guinness showed us a clip from Borat. Yeah, she's one of a kind! I'm eager to meet with her one-on-one this Friday.
~ All of you know I'm a writer. I am a staff writer for the campus newspaper. I write my own novels. I have been since first or second grade. I distinctly recall writing religiously in third grade. Recently, I have been working on a novel loosely based on my freshman year, in particular my story with The Viking. As you can imagine, it is a highly emotional book for me to write and there have been many occasions that I have broken down into tears or had a aesthetically pleasing movie moment of a single tear wiping mascara down one cheek. For the past four nights, I have been writing and going over the climatic scene in the novel and it gets me every time. I apologize to my friends for being particularly out of focus, not caught up in the conversation, not mentally there, and getting too lost in my thoughts. I am completely wrapped up in this scene, especially now because I'm stuck. I have no idea what I want my characters to decide next. Well, I know where I want them to go but I have two ways in my head that they can get there. The question is which path. It could change the whole outlook of the book if they choose one way over the other. What I need is to take a step back, detach myself from what happened last year, and let it be about the characters. What do I want the audience to get out of this? I want them, particularly young adult girls, to be strong and independent and not have a man have any amount of control over them as The Viking did and still does have over me.
On November 24, it will be one year since The Viking called me while I was at the DMV with Chris and Nicole to tell me he was leaving me for another girl. That moment will forever stay in my mind in vivid detail how I told him I still wanted to be friends, how I was beyond shocked as I didn't see it coming, how I tried to control my voice so he wouldn't know I was upset, how Nicole begged to stop at his room when we returned to campus so I could kick him as it was coincidentally enough "Kick a Ginger in the Shin" Day as declared by Facebook. I will never forget that same night when I called up Adam to tell him the news to find out not only that Adam already knew but that The Viking had previously begged Adam to "break up" with me FOR HIM! And yet somehow... I still have feelings for this person! I can't believe myself!
I am dedicating an entire novel to you, sir, so that I may release everything you did to me and move on with my precious, valuable life.
There is hope though. I have budding feelings from another guy. Hopefully, he may return them. In fact, I have mentioned him in my blog and to make things interesting... look over at the poll to the left and vote for who you think I am referring to! Should be interesting to see the results!

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